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Friday, March 26, 2010

Doing Stupid Things, Doesn't Mean You're Stupid

How can someone so smart be so dumb? We’ve all asked this question after watching a perfectly intelligent friend or relative pull a boneheaded move.

You know what I'm talkin' about...that one time when your boy decided it was a GREAT idea to skateboard off the roof! How is he the same guy who gave the valedictorian speech at graduation?! Yea...

People buy high and sell low. They believe their horoscope. They figure it can’t happen to them. They supersize their fries and order the diet Coke. They text while driving. They believe they'll live forever.

You’ve done something similarly stupid. So have I. BUT does this make us stupid?

Stupid is defined as: lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

I believe that we have "moments" of stupidity throughout our life, but I rarely find someone that fits this description all the time.

These are the top 5 reasons I believe "stupid" happens.

1) Boredom.
2) Tiredness.
3) Love.
4) Fear.
5) Anger.

As you can see, they're all emotions or a state of mind. Emotions drive us to most, if not all, our decisions in life. We run, laugh, love, hug, heal, and fight our way through life! And sometimes that means that we make stupid choices.

The only scary part is when stupid choices leave us hurt and broken. As a teenager you are faced with these situations daily. Jumping in a car with the wrong group of people. Dating two people at the same time. Dating the wrong people. Pranks. Wearing socks with know, the important stuff.

Let me end with some advice.

Stupidity isn't about the first time something happens, it's the second... third... fourth time. By then, it's become a habit, and likely one you need to kick.

Keep It Real.



  1. Great post Murph. You nailed it. I've observed
    A LOT of stupidity in my lifetime, and the wrong choices seem to come from some level of fear;fear of not being accepted, not mattering enough, not being able to overcome--even fear of success leads to stupidity. Posts like these make us look at our own behavior and ask "Why"? Thanks

  2. Thanks, Marcus. You made me feel a lot better about the stupid things (decisions) I've done in my life. Recognizing the stupidity and not repeating it is huge for me! :) But, didn't Forest Gump say something like "Stupid is as Stupid does"...yea don't believe that!

  3. I love this post!!! Your writing is brilliant!! Hope you are doing well, you guys need to invite me over for dinner, since you love to cook and all ;) Ha!!! Did I just make a stupid comment??? Oh well I was bored. ;) Take care Murph!!! Hope to see you and Gina soon.
