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Friday, April 23, 2010

What Motivational Speakers Can't Say...

It can be a challenge to keep it real - on stage.

Now that I'm a motivational speaker, the "ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY" is an obstacle I LOVE to tackle. If I mess it up...I mess it up for all the speakers who come after me.

Today I had a unique opportunity. One that comes less often than I'd like. I got to speak at a Christian school. This made my talk SO much more real! I could finally share the reason I do what I do, and why you should, too.

I have nothing against people that don't share my beliefs. In fact, I respect those that are convicted and dedicated to something. BUT this is a HUGE part of my life that can get overlooked when speaking in a public setting... along with the pledge of allegiance, and many other things no longer acceptable or practiced.

To say the least, I was excited about today.

I had an AWESOME time hanging out with the students from Valley Lutheran High School in Phoenix, Arizona.

We laughed, cried, hugged, drank tea, and ate cookies... all in all that makes for a heck of a Friday morning. ::wink::

Today's message to the students of Valley Lutheran was very simple to say, but very hard to live out.

"God has a unique and personal vision for each and every one of us, but sometimes it's hard to follow that vision when everyone else is trying to create it for you."

Ultimately, I wanted the students to walk away asking themselves what that vision looks like for their lives. What tools, gifts, and dreams do they possess that will help them follow their vision?

If we don't paint a clear vision of where we're going, we can too easily be pulled into a life we never wanted.

This generation of teenagers are looked at with little to no expectations... TV, music... low expectations.

Then I told them about this "Dude"...

This guy that had long hair, hung out with thieves, His name was Jesus.

Jesus traveled and spoke to anyone and everyone... BUT did everyone convert? Did everyone accept what he was saying?


In fact, they killed Him because of it...


He did change the lives of 12, and those 12 went out to changed the world.

We are POWERFUL, more powerful than we think. We just need to be reminded once and awhile.

The pics from the day were taken by my hottie wife, Gina Meola:

Before every talk I take time to kick it with God.

BIG shout out to my homie/roadie Dennis Gable (AKA, famous motivational speaker). There's nothing better than having a talented artist introduce you. Humbling.

Keep It Real.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Always remember you're unique... just like everyone else

Every Monday morning I come to a really "Hip" coffee shop called Cartel Coffee Lab to write my blog. I think it's a mix of the random music, crazy art, tattoos, piercings, skinny jeans, Toms Shoes, etc. It's like the hipster olympics!

I like their coffee, but the experience of being there is my motivation.

So every once and a while, I just sit back and chill. No writing, no thinking, just taking in the view.

Does anybody else "people watch"? I could sit at the mall all day just creepin my little heart out.

The past week has been busy, but inspiration-less on the blog front. Today, however, is very different! I need to get something off my chest!

In high school you fight desperately to fit in, then young adulthood sprouts and you're fighting desperately to stand out. Why do we try to be SO different, but eventually look the same? Do we think we're standing out by being the same?

I did some people watching, and came to the conclusion we all like to be different, or exclusive. This ends up getting copied, and then it's no longer unique... IT"S POPULAR!

I'm encouraging you to be different ALL THE TIME! Never give pop culture the opportunity to make your "different", norm.

Let me give you an example.

When I was younger I used to where this thing called a "slap bracelet". I know that I just made myself look MAD OLD, but I will make that sacrifice for the greater good of my point.

Slap bracelets were cool! I mean really cool. One kid gets CUT and has to ruin it for everbody...geez! Just kiddin. Sort of.

I was the first in my class to get one and people used to make me demo my little piece of SLAPPIN MAGIC! However, it wasn't long after that I started to see another kid with a slap bracelet, and another, and so on. Finally I had to stop wearin mine.

My point is this...

Don't get in the habit of following the trend, CREATE IT and move on!

Here's to being original and stuff.

Keep it Real,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Keepin' It Real: Students To Watch

Once a month I'd like to showcase a student that's "KEEPIN' IT REAL".

Too often you meet people in life that are forgotten...

We meet on the train, the bus, in class, we share brief conversations about the weather and politics and we move on. Life is full of cliche encounters.

When I first met Keith Smith I knew that my life would never be the same!

Keith has a certain presence that demands your FULL ATTENTION. He's African American, stands at 6 feet 3 inches, and isn't an ATHLETE! This kid is responsible for redefining "thinking outside the box". You can't put him in a box - HE DOESN"T FIT!

Keith attends Syracuse University, where he is a student in the VERY prestigious Bandier Program (music industry).

Keith is surrounded by an industry of "who ya know" and "undeserved privilege", but has managed to keep his identity deeply rooted in his Kansas City roots and his tenacious attitude to MAKE IT OR DIE! Keith came from simple beginnings, and attributes his success to never settling for normality.

The reason I chose to spotlight Keith is largely to due to his AMAZING ATTITUDE and appetite for LIFE!

Among other things, Keith is the front man for The Fly. In a recent article in Jerk Magazine Keith was described, “It was like his body was filled with fists that punched out in different directions, all at the same time,”

Occasionally we need to see students that live their lives to benefit the world. We need to see that with enough hard work, talent, and the right attitude we can do anything!

This is PASSION! This IS Keith Smith.

Keep It Real.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Driving a Land Rover? Oh, you still have a Landlord?

It's not your fault the WORLD told you it was okay!

Here's my beef with teen finances. No one makes you take responsibility for your money! I had to learn this the hard way.

I was the guy who would buy the $300 pair of jeans, but couldn't afford rent. The guy who paid more in overdraft fees than bills. The guy who JUST HAD to have the new J's before any of his homies. I, was that guy.

There are far worse examples, but you get the picture. Most of the trouble with finances is that we buy what we can't afford. We charge what we can't pay back, and nobody tells us we're wrong to do it!

Shame on you BIG credit card companies and car salesman. I mean it must be ALL their fault... right?


WE MAKE THE DECISIONS IN OUR LIFE, even if you think you have no control. We LOVE to blame our issues on other people. Sure, we've been brainwashed to want things we don't need, but what's scarier is being brainwashed that we have no control in the financial decision-making process.

Do you think American culture promotes entitlement? Like, we deserve all this stuff? That we HAVE to HAVE the best of the best? The biggest, brightest, and most expensive?

It's easy to get caught up in living for the TEMPORARY satisfactions of life. But all things eventually fade, go out of style, or become irrelevant. But the part that really bothers me the most is that it starts when you're a TEEN! In marketing, YOU are the next generation of CRAP buyers and consumers. So it ultimately has to come down to you, and the realization that LIFE'S more than things!

Let me give you the best advice I never had.

1) If you aren't saving any money, SOMETHING'S WRONG! Get in the habit of taking a little part of all the money you get and put it aside.

2) Don't get a CREDIT CARD! You don't need it. SERIOUSLY!

3) The jeans you want will be out of style in about 5 days. Plus, it's trendy now to find deals and steals at thrift shops or on sale wracks. Work that!

4) Read Rich Dad Poor Dad. Learn how money works and how it can work for you.

I'm not saying buying clothes when you need them is evil. What I'm trying to encourage is being responsible with our money. We need to start taking ownership of our decisions and understand that we have the POWER to control our financial destiny. It all starts now!

Keep It Real.


Monday, April 5, 2010

I Live In A Van Down by The River!!

Why motivational speakers "SUCK"!

Sometimes the hardest thing I have to do is explain what I do. I get interesting responses like, "Oh. You're like Tony Robbins or something". Well, sort of, but for, "like", young people.

Raise your hand if you have ever sat through a motivational speakers spiel - "A lengthy or extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade"? Now keep your hand raised if during that spiel you wanted to end your life because it was AWFUL!

If you're like me, my arms are flailing.

Motivational speakers are usually predictable and cheesy. They say they want you to change your life, BUT their own life is often in shambles! Or maybe they have nine steps, 12 steps, 43 steps... to a successful life. Even worse, they might have a book, a life changing journey through a painfully obvious solution. Everybody's got a book now! Seriously.

So after all this, why do I consider myself a motivational speaker? And if this were true, why do we need motivational speakers?

Here's my thought process. First, I'm stepping in to redefine "motivational speaker". Call it arrogance or pride, but this industry needs people who hold themselves accountable, stay relevant, and live out their words of encouragement. Second, we all need regular doses of motivation.

It’s like eating... just because you ate breakfast, doesn't mean your hunger is satisfied FOREVER! You regularly nourish your body. We can’t run on full steam ALL the time; so it’s never going to hurt to have the right person come in and help fuel your fire.

Let me help you identify a "good" motivational speaker.

1) Find somebody who you know “gets” your group. The initial connection between speaker and audience is crucial, so make sure your speaker knows who they’re talking to from the very start.

2) Make sure the program is customized to your needs and that the speaker has a hook that can draw people in.

3) I prefer funny, or at least engaging. Sometimes speakers have a heavy message, but it's all about the delivery.

4) Results! Can you measure the impact? Does the message come with a movement? Something your group can use to effectively increase the results you are looking for? What results are you looking for? What are you expectations for the speakers impact on your group? Make sure they can deliver.

5) And, most importantly, make sure your speaker is a real person, someone who practices what they preach.

To escape the "Matt Foley" stigma, let me give you some hope. There are motivational speakers out there doing it right. In the realm of youth, there are only a handful of professionals I've found who are KEEPIN IT REAL.

Here are some trusted speakers I personally endorse and keep up with:

Josh Shipp (the leader)

Dennis Gable (the healer)

Bianca Juarez (the believer)

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar

Keep It Real.


Mayday! Mayday! I'm Goin Down!

Sometimes I sit down at the computer and look for the "help" button! Wouldn't it be great if life were that easy?

Why is it SO stinkin' hard to ASK for help?

Myth: Asking for help makes us look weak.

Truth: Asking for help creates an atmosphere of empowerment. It communicates to others that, while you may not have all the answers, you are willing to find them.

Myth: Successful people never ask for help.

Truth: Actually, successful people will tell you that the key to success is knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Successful people are driven and motivated — and when the going gets tough, the tough ask for help!

The BIGGEST reason we don't ask for help is FEAR! Fear that we are going to look stupid or be judged for asking.

Relationships, depression, addictions, finances, parents, school, etc...

For the most part, all the advice or information someone provides you with, was LEARNED from someone or something else! Meaning: THEY don't know it all or have everything together, but they may have gone through an experience or asked the same questions.

I've come a long way in my life, but mostly because people have HELPED me get here.

I'm only as good as the people around me, and the sooner you realize this, the better your life will be.

The Secret

The secret to asking for help is asking EARLY!

I have found that the longer we wait to ask for help the worse things get. If we recognize early that we are in over our head, can't handle a situation, or don't get it, we may flat out miss the boat. We've got to identify our need for help early and tackle it before it overtakes US.

If you take nothing else away from this post, please realize the sooner you begin reaching out, the sooner the issues in your life will become manageable - and even non-existent.

Please continue to ask your questions at ASK MURPH ANYTHING And YES, you can do this anonymously!

Ask For Help. Keep It Real.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Web Si-eeeete!

Hey, friends! In case you haven't visited yet, my Web Site is up and fresh! WWW.marcusAmurphy.COM

Monday, March 29, 2010

From Courtship to Court



We’ve come a long way. From “Goin Steady” to “Steady Goin”. What happened to teen dating?

I would love to start this sentence with back in my day, but back in my day was only ten years ago. Oh wise one, tell me the secrets of dating… HMM. I CAN share my various views about dating with no strings attached. Sound good? Great.

“I’m like so in love with him… or whatever.”

When did love become a fad? Dating has become so casual I can only compare it to that of a fashion trend. If you change relationships like you do your hair style, then this article is for YOU.

How many times have you been in love? Do you know the definition of love? My gut tells me LOVE is overused, devalued, and disrespected.

What about using the term? I love my wife. I love hot dogs. Same meaning? Maybe for some, but not me.

So, why do we date?

I believe dating should be entered with the M-word in mind - Marriage, to clarify for my slow homies. I write this knowing my audience are teens. Are you getting married at 16? Hopefully not. So what does this mean for you?

We wonder why marriage is such a joke in this country? It's because we treat the process of finding a mate in the same way. We get in the cycle of trying people on for size. AND if they don't fit, we move on to the next.

If these are the standards for dating, why are we surprised by the divorce rate? If we don't change the way we date, the idea of marriage to one person FOREVER won't even be comprehensible.

American culture is all about making you believe you're here on this earth to satisfy and please YOU and you only. Think that plays into the U.S. having the highest divorce rate and the highest rate of single parenting in the Western world? Betta believe it.

I, like many, come from a home of divorce. There is no simple or convenient way to explain the pain and hurt divorce causes in the lives of everyone involved. I'm not saying there's only one reason people get divorced. BUT, I definitely think marriage has been jaded by the "convenience" of dating without purpose.

My challenge isn't easy... but please try dating with a purpose. Don't do it for me, do it for your heart. Start making the right decisions now, and you'll be in an incredible position down the road.

Do it for your future HUSBAND/WIFE.

You're worth it, and so are they.

Keep It Real.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Doing Stupid Things, Doesn't Mean You're Stupid

How can someone so smart be so dumb? We’ve all asked this question after watching a perfectly intelligent friend or relative pull a boneheaded move.

You know what I'm talkin' about...that one time when your boy decided it was a GREAT idea to skateboard off the roof! How is he the same guy who gave the valedictorian speech at graduation?! Yea...

People buy high and sell low. They believe their horoscope. They figure it can’t happen to them. They supersize their fries and order the diet Coke. They text while driving. They believe they'll live forever.

You’ve done something similarly stupid. So have I. BUT does this make us stupid?

Stupid is defined as: lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.

I believe that we have "moments" of stupidity throughout our life, but I rarely find someone that fits this description all the time.

These are the top 5 reasons I believe "stupid" happens.

1) Boredom.
2) Tiredness.
3) Love.
4) Fear.
5) Anger.

As you can see, they're all emotions or a state of mind. Emotions drive us to most, if not all, our decisions in life. We run, laugh, love, hug, heal, and fight our way through life! And sometimes that means that we make stupid choices.

The only scary part is when stupid choices leave us hurt and broken. As a teenager you are faced with these situations daily. Jumping in a car with the wrong group of people. Dating two people at the same time. Dating the wrong people. Pranks. Wearing socks with know, the important stuff.

Let me end with some advice.

Stupidity isn't about the first time something happens, it's the second... third... fourth time. By then, it's become a habit, and likely one you need to kick.

Keep It Real.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

If You're Not First, You're last!

I don't often hear, "I can't wait to be second!" But what's the point of going fast, being first, and working ourselves to death?

Like Bobby Valentino said, " Slow Down"!

As human beings we are naturally competitive - survival of the fittest? It's human nature to adapt, to strive to survive. BUT our society isn't gathering berries and hunting for our food anymore (well I can't speak for Texas). If I'm hungry, I get in my comfortable car, drive my butt down to the local burger joint (for your satisfaction I hope it's an In N Out Burger), I DON"T EVEN HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE CAR to order. In fact, I could order from my phone, while tweeting the whole experience!

So in a life that's very much handed to us, what's our drive to strive?

I admit, competition runs through my veins. But one of the best lessons I've learned in life is how to lose.

Losing. Failing. Mistakes. Pain.

Failing is essential to success, but we have to be "failing forward".

No one can succeed without failing.

Michael Jordan, arguably the best player of all time, six NBA championships, 11 MVP"s and still he had to fail to get there.

Most people see failure at face value - i.e., failure. However, if you search deeper, you discover failure is in fact, an opportunity to grow. Failure ]the[n becomes a resource.

A baby can't walk until they fall over and over again. A basketball player will miss several shots in a single game in the midst of 13 points. A writer will have much of her work rejected by editors than published.

Successful people don't focus on the things that didn't work. Instead, they understand that with each "failure" they are one step closer to achieving their dreams. They may have to try once or one-thousands times before hitting the mark, but they know each unsuccessful effort is pushing them closer to their goal.

There is a MAJOR difference between people who fail and people who use failure to succeed. Their ATTITUDE! They succeed because they NEVER gave up!

Get out there and start failing, to win.

Keep It Real.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Murph's Top Ten

There are a bazillion things teens should know, but today I'm sticking with 10. It's unbelievable what youth are bombarded by in just ONE day. Essentially, it's like this collage of crap. Pretty accurate.

For the next ten posts, I'll be tackling the following topics:

1) If You're Not First You're last!: You don't always have to be first

2) Doing Stupid Things, Doesn't Mean You're Stupid: Learning from our mistakes

3) Breakin' Up and Makin' Up: Teen relationships

4) Help Wanted: How do you ask for help

5) Dinner Isn't Always Ready After One Minute in the Microwave: Some things are worth the wait

6) We Were Given Two Ears and One Mouth For A Reason: The need for good listeners

7) Boots With The Fur Are So Last Year: What we need, and WHAT WE DON'T

8) You're Cool...Sort Of: Self-esteem

9) Bucks, Greenbacks, Cabbage, Dough, Cheddar, Gwap...MONEY: Teen finances

10) Poke Me, Tweet This, Skype You, Stalk What?: Cyber safety

Life seems easier broken down.

Keep It Real.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Slow Down Homeboy!

Run, Run, Run. This week has been CRAZY busy!

Let me start with a shout out to the Boys and Girls Club of Phoenix. You rock my life. Seriously. It doesn't get much better than seeing teens, with rough backgrounds, find motivation to tackle what's in store. Do I cry? Maybe...but they are really manly cries! More like whimpering, so I guess you would call it a man whimper - or a mimper! Yeah, that's it.

Here are a few pics of your boi in action.


I'm so down with people who can articulate and express their thoughts. I don't care if you sing it, play it, whisper it, or stomp it out, personal expression is CRAZY EXCITING!

I speak and coach for a living, so being in front of crowds doesn't normally phase me. But there's something about a lonely mic and an audience with high creative expectations that makes my stomach fill with knots. I went to a poetry slam, signed the line to give a piece, and felt a little out of my element.

Sometimes that feeling of nervousness is just what we need to be GREAT! Have you ever felt a little too comfortable? I have, and that means that I'm over confident! That is like "backwards swagger"!

Nervous --> attack --> BREAKTHROUGH.

There will be a time when the "show must go on"; a live or die moment. This could be your greatest fear or something as small as an algebra test. Either way, when it comes down to that moment and your nerves are about to punch their way out of your stomach, when you feel like your mouth couldn't possibly move, when your arm pits could fix Africa's drought (gross)...You get it... THIS is the moment that separates the "great ones" from the "so so's".

My hope for you today is that you feel the pressure, and RISE to meet it.

Keep It Real.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jump, Dude

I've been slackin, and that's NOT cool!

Last week I looked in the mirror, got upset, and vowed to make some changes. I'm trying this new phenomena called "running" - this coming from an ex college athlete... oy. The only thing worse than running, is passing a happy runner. Just as I get my "I'm gonna die face on", they pass me, and their grin looks like a sideways banana. You know, it's like they aren't really sure if they have to use the bathroom or write a novel.

So, running. Not my fave. But I DO love to hike. Living in Phoenix equals endless climbing options. Holla.

Check out me getting my hike on HERE!

Today I went hiking with my wife. It was all gravy to start with, and as we made it to the top of the mountain, we breathed a deep sigh of accomplishment... or hyperventilation. Whichever take on it, we breathed.

I snapped a photo to give you a better idea of what I'm talkin' about.

It's funny how simple the world looks when you're viewing it from above. It's quiet, the land is widespread, and there's a peace like it could easily be conquered. But zoom into an intersection, and this guys yellin' at that guy, bla bla bla. You get it. Not so simple when you're IN it.

After some time talking and relaxing on top, we got up to head down. We scoped out our options, and both decided on a very... different way down. We arrived at a huge drop. I had no choice but to JUMP from point A to B. But like, the whole alphabet was between the two. BEST case scenario, I could land on the foot rock, unscratched. Worst case...I could totally roll down hundreds of feat to my death. Yikes.

My brain very clearly said no, but my heart said GO! Well, 25 minutes later, we turned around to head the other way. Just as Gina was out of sight, something in me made me stop, turn, and JUMP. I made it down!

Obviously, I lived. But this experience, however insignificant in other people's eyes, really made me think. Made me think about life.

As a teenager, it's easy to feel like life can't possibly get any more complicated. Maybe you feel like your only option is failing, turning back, giving up... NOT JUMPING. But what does that accomplish?

If you don't jump NEVER will. Seriously.

It's in our nature to turn back, walk away, look for the easy route. But falling into what comes naturally only encourages a BAD HABIT. Yes, habit. Choosing to jump is a habit, and there will always be another time in your life when you'll face a cliff you're either going to walk away from, or conquer.

What if we didn't need to find a way around, or over the walls in our lives? What if we just saw the wall and ran through it?

We make it a habit to retreat, TO RUN AWAY from our problems. AND YA KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT RUNNIN!


The decision to triumph, win, and conquer is in YOU.

Keep It Real.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sc-HOLLA-rships Part II

I can't sleep! It's that important that you get this information. It took TWO posts!

Highest Total Cost 2009-2010

College Total Cost

1. Sarah Lawrence College $54,410
2. New York University $51,991
3. The George Washington University $51,730
4. Bates College $51,300
5. Skidmore College $51,196
6. Johns Hopkins University $51,190
7. Georgetown University $51,122
8. Connecticut College $51,115
9. Harvey Mudd College $51,037
10. Vassar College $50,875
11. Wesleyan University $50,862
12. Claremont McKenna College $50,800
13. Colgate University $50,660
14. Carnegie Mellon University $50,640
15. Haverford College $50,625
16. Bowdoin College $50,485
17. Middlebury College $50,400
18. Mount Holyoke College $50,390
19. Bard College $50,380
20. Boston College $50,370
21. Franklin & Marshall College $50,360
22. Bard College at Simon's Rock $50,340
23. Scripps College $50,336
24. Babson College $50,324
25. Colby College $50,320

WOW, it's not getting any better! Student: MURPH are you trying to talk me out of going to college? Me: NO, I'm just trying to keep it real. People don't let you guys know the truth, they gas you up, get you excited about college, but leave you hangin when it comes to the reality of ACTUALLY attending your dream school. So what are you going to do about it?!

Don't get mad GET EVEN!

There is MONEY out there, you just need to know where to look for it. If you start early this will be easier. BUT not easy. It will take some hard work on your part.

These Ten Tips will help you in getting scholarships to pay for college:

1) Start ASAP and Apply Early - Many scholarships have early application deadlines, so don't miss out on these opportunities.

2) Search Locally - A local scholarship is probably your best chance for getting a College Scholarship. There are special scholarships just for locals, meaning it will be less competitive, as there are usually less applicants. Local Banks, Grocery Stores, clubs, businesses, organizations, and churches are all potential sources for community scholarships.

Also check State-funded scholarships. States have lots of money to disperse when it comes to providing education.

3) Read the Requirements - Make sure you are eligible right from the start, so you’re not wasting your time. Also, never pay to apply for a scholarship, these are usually scams.

4) Follow Instructions Carefully - Any errors right off the bat can get your scholarship application easily denied. Proofread it. Have someone else proofread it.

5) Neatly Presentable, Neatly Packaged - Send the Scholarship Application via Certified mail or better yet, FedEx, making your application look professional and stand out from others.

6) Communicate - Make sure the application is right. If you are not sure about something in the scholarship application, don't hesitate to ask.

7) Check School Specific Scholarships - Check with the college you would like to attend. Usually there are many school-specific scholarships available. This alone may be able to help you in your school decision making.

8) Visit a financial counselor at your School (if you have one, if not please send me an email so I can help) - A financial counselor may be able to lead you to scholarships you don't know about, or that aren't listed on the web. Find Scholarships that aren't very competitive by applying for ones that are not heavily advertised.

9) Be Active, Stay ALL UP IN THEIR GRILL - Being in a sports team, club or some type of community service will always better your chances at receiving a college scholarship.

10) Maintain your GPA - Keep your grades up. A higher GPA will make you eligible for more scholarships, on top of increasing your chances of receiving THE MONEY!

Click HERE for a little help finding some great scholarships.

I am a BIG believer in the power of "WANT". If you want something bad enough, you will find a way. If we want the fresh new pair of J's, or the new jeans that make our booty look good, we will find a way. So lets find a way to afford something that won't fade or rip, lets WANT something more for our lives.

Keep It Real.



BIG Shout Out to Sarah Ramirez from Bioscience High School for the inspiration!

Me: Can I get A What What?

Student: What?

Me: No, a WHAT WHAT?

Student: What are you whating about?

Me: Wow...

This was an exact conversation that I recently had with a student. I feel old :(

Today I wanted to take a moment to talk about a very important topic SCHOLARSHIPS!


I don't know about you but things are TOUGH right now. Instead of Show Me The Money, it's more like WHERE's the money!!

One thing that I have noticed over the years is the amazing ability to be BROKE AS A JOKE. Even if mom and dad hook us up, even if we have a job at Taco Smell, we always seem to end up BROKE! What's up with that? I'll tell you. We SPEND money. Ha. Simple right? Wrong.

How many of you are saving for college right now? Don't worry I'll wait...........

EXACTLY! Hardly any of us!

SO we need to talk about the reality of how much it will cost you to go to college.

According to recently released reports from the College Board, most students and their families can expect to pay, on average, from $172 to $1,096 more than last year for this year's tuition and fees, depending on the type of college.

But there is good news. There is more than $168 billion in financial aid available. And, despite all of these college price increases, a college education remains an affordable choice for most families.

Although some of the college price tags you hear about can be CRAZY—$35,000 or more for yearly tuition and fees—most colleges are more affordable than you might think. For example, did you know that about 53 percent of students attend four-year schools with annual tuition and fees below $9,000? After grants are taken into consideration, the net price the average undergraduate pays for a college education is significantly lower than the sticker price. And remember, other forms of financial aid will further reduce the amount your family will actually pay.

CRAZY!!! I know this is a lot of information, but THIS is what you need to know.

Keep It Real.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Motivational Speaking With A dash of Crazy

Good Morning Internet!

Today I am headed to Phoenix Union Bioscience High School. (mouthful) I am speaking to the school about "getting their higher education on". If I could do one thing for the rest of my life it would be speaking. I always ask myself what I would do for free if I didn't have to worry about money...this is IT!

Check out my video for Bioscience here

Let me clear my throat ahgh ahagh!

I recently attended a motivational seminar that will remain nameless ::cough:: Get Motivated ::cough::. First I will admit that listening to powerful speakers is amazing and if you have the opportunity to listen to the likes of Colonel Powell, Zig Ziglar, etc. I encourage you to attend.

Here's the THANG...

The one thing that gets me heated about "motivational speakers" are people's dependency on their message. ::whisper:: guess what? YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING THEY CAN and you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on their DVD's, CD's, Tapes (yes some of us still use tapes ha) and their AMAZING books. EVERYBODY HAS A BOOK NOW! My grandma has a book!

We have the power within us and it's a little thing called ATTITUDE!

It's not about your knowledge or your skills. Half the time you don't need to be better than anyone... BUT you have to want it more than they do. Success is a mindset and the sooner you tap into yours the sooner your life will make sense. Teenagers...just think where you can be in a year, five years, ten years from now with the right attitude. I am excited for you!

Keep It Real.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stroke Face McGee

Inspirational Song of The Day: Porcelain by Moby
Must See Movie: The Blind Side
Food Of The Day: BBQ Chicken Pizza
Quote Of The Day: “What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” -Johann Wolfgang

Photo Shoot

I don't like to be photographed, but when your wife is a photographer sometimes you don't have a choice. I just hate looking at myself...ya know what I mean? I guess I just need to suck it up.

I am pretty sure that there was a moment today that Gina wanted to kill me. The whole shoot all she wanted was a genuine smile, I tried, but when you force a smile it comes out looking more like you had a stroke than cute. So if you can imagine a stroke face, that pretty much sums up the day.

Eyebrow Waxing For Dudes?

So how do you feel about this? When I started dating Gina about three years ago she told me she wanted to wax my brows. It's not like a had some crazy caterpillar uni goin on, she said it just looks cleaner. So I'm reaching out to the men of the world on this one, what do you think? Is it emasculating? If you do it are okay with the pain? YES, I think it hurts, call me what you want! It's not natural to yank hair out of your face! Not convinced...

In Other News..

Teen crashes car into school, drives down hall.

SHORELINE, Wash. – Sheriff's deputies said a 17-year-old boy crashed his parents' car through the doors of Shorecrest High School in Shoreline, then drove it down the hall. The car finally stopped 75 yards later when it hit a security office. Two school workers were still on the property and heard the crash.

Police found the teen on school grounds about an hour and a half after the crash late Friday night. He was taken into custody and then brought to Harborview Medical Center for a mental evaluation. Investigators said they do not believe drugs or alcohol played a role.

The boy, from Lake Forest Park, is a student at the school. He was not injured.

FOR REAL! I have never sat around and thought to myself "hmm, maybe I could drive to the store...or maybe to my buddies house..oh wait, I will just drive down the hall of my school!" Much better idea. NOT! Classic case of not using your brain syndrome.

Have things ever been this bad in your own life? Maybe your not driving a car in your school, but bad enough to do something crazy?

At one point in my life this would have almost sounded tempting. Life as a teen isn't easy...but we can make it easier. We can help each other. If you have an issue or feel like you need advice please go to my ASK MURPH ANYTHING link and fire away. You can even submit a question anonymously! You don't have to carry IT around.

Keep It Real.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who's Murph?

Hey, internet. It's me, Marcus. I'm following my dream and this is part of the journey. Expect BIG things, I do.

I'm gonna keep it real. There are some things you need to know about me before we become blog friends.

1. I'm loud, and I don't care.
2. Jesus is kind of a BIG part of my life.
3. I am obsessed with 80's movies, clothes, music, etc. AND I am not ashamed.
4. Hip Hop was my first love. Crazy sneakers was my second.
5. I REALLY love my wife Gina. We got hitched on Halloween. No we didn't wear costumes.
6. I love my family.
7. I have a little ugly/beautiful Boston Terrier named Paisley.
8. My wife Gina is an International Wedding Photographer. Check her out!
9. When I'm not working I am usually watching The Office. I wish I could meet a real life Dwight, that would be crazy funny!
10. I really believe that all teenagers have the ability to be successful.
11. Bet your booty I will say what is on my mind.
12. I LOVE soccer, and I keep up to date on all the scores and matches world wide at:
13. I love to cook.
14. Sometimes I like to pull up next to people at a red light and pick my nose.
15. I graduated High School almost dead last in my class. I graduated college at the front. Ask me how?

In the spirit of KEEPING IT REAL, on the blog you will find a section called ASK MURPH ANYTHING. This gives you the opportunity to literally ask me anything and I will give you real answers.

Keep It Real.
