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Monday, April 5, 2010

Mayday! Mayday! I'm Goin Down!

Sometimes I sit down at the computer and look for the "help" button! Wouldn't it be great if life were that easy?

Why is it SO stinkin' hard to ASK for help?

Myth: Asking for help makes us look weak.

Truth: Asking for help creates an atmosphere of empowerment. It communicates to others that, while you may not have all the answers, you are willing to find them.

Myth: Successful people never ask for help.

Truth: Actually, successful people will tell you that the key to success is knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Successful people are driven and motivated — and when the going gets tough, the tough ask for help!

The BIGGEST reason we don't ask for help is FEAR! Fear that we are going to look stupid or be judged for asking.

Relationships, depression, addictions, finances, parents, school, etc...

For the most part, all the advice or information someone provides you with, was LEARNED from someone or something else! Meaning: THEY don't know it all or have everything together, but they may have gone through an experience or asked the same questions.

I've come a long way in my life, but mostly because people have HELPED me get here.

I'm only as good as the people around me, and the sooner you realize this, the better your life will be.

The Secret

The secret to asking for help is asking EARLY!

I have found that the longer we wait to ask for help the worse things get. If we recognize early that we are in over our head, can't handle a situation, or don't get it, we may flat out miss the boat. We've got to identify our need for help early and tackle it before it overtakes US.

If you take nothing else away from this post, please realize the sooner you begin reaching out, the sooner the issues in your life will become manageable - and even non-existent.

Please continue to ask your questions at ASK MURPH ANYTHING And YES, you can do this anonymously!

Ask For Help. Keep It Real.


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